RD-CODE : Nouvelle vidéo sur les codes ORPHA expliquant pourquoi et comment les utiliser
Orphanet Scientific knowledge base
Catalogue of expert Resources
Orphanet Nomenclature for coding and associated tools
Complementary to the Orphanet site, the new Orphanet Guides application facilitates access to specific and practical information for medical and paramedical professionals and anyone concerned by the management of a rare disease in France.
Among the embedded documents, you will find information dedicated to the multidisciplinary management of disability situations for 80 rare diseases, as well as the Orphanet notebook "Living with a rare disease in France", which details the methods of aid and benefits for rare diseases in France. Orphanet Guides also gives the possibility of consulting the 'Orphanet Emergencies' sheets, which describe what to do in the event of an emergency for more than 100 rare diseases.
This application was produced with the assistance of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, the National Solidarity and Autonomy Fund (CNSA), and with the support of the Groupama Foundation for Health.